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As someone attending college in Texas, you have your entire future ahead of you. You likely have career options you want to try and certain classes you wish to take. College is a great time to experiment and find what you really want out of life.

Unfortunately, it is also a time when your mistakes start carrying a lot of weight. One DUI conviction could end up being the biggest mistake you make.

Losing your financial backing

The College Investor states that a DUI in college can change the course of your life. It is not common for colleges to expel students with DUI convictions for that alone. But they may consider it if your DUI couples with another charge, such as endangering a minor.

It is more common for colleges to pull funding. This means the cancellation of scholarships and the revocation of financial awards or gifts you may have received from them. If you are getting additional support for housing, this may also end. You could end up barred from campus housing entirely, forcing you to locate to a more expensive off-site location.

Careers that disallow DUIs

Even if this does not price you out of college, you could find your career options limited. Many fields do not hire people with DUIs on record. This includes government jobs and positions that work with children, like school teachers. Jobs that involve licensure like nursing may also turn you down over even one DUI. The same goes for any job that involves commercial driving. With your options so limited, you might end up having to change your plans for the future entirely.