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As the parent of a young person having trouble with the justice system, it is easy to feel like things are getting out of control. However, things might not be as bad as you think. 

We have seen many families similar positions end up better off after their interactions with the law. That is because, in Collins County, the system’s goal is not to dole out punishment, but rather to help put juvenile defendants back on the right track. 

A chance to heal 

Your child, if he or she cooperated fully with the Collins juvenile justice system, could face minimal consequences for the future and maximum chances of full recovery and re-integration into lawful society. Depending on the offense, there could be a number of paths towards this goal. 

A bright future 

Our practice is focused on obtaining the best possible outcome for all of our criminal defense clients. In juvenile cases, this often requires careful planning and execution of any strategies. 

The system here is relatively forgiving when there is a good chance for the rehabilitation of a young person. However, any missteps you or your child makes in handling the case — or in communicating with state or county representatives — could potentially narrow your possibilities. We would focus on identifying the ideal result, both in the short and long term, and then following the most efficient path towards that goal. 

A helping hand 

Aside from legal assistance, there are also many other institutions that could provide support for you in this challenging time. Especially in the cases of drug abuse that plague our young people, Collins and the surrounding areas have a wide variety of therapy and rehabilitation organizations. 

In short, you do not have to do this alone. Please continue reading on the main website for more information.