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It is a parent’s worst nightmare to find out that his or her child is involved with drugs. Nowadays, with the high availability of drugs in Texas, it is no surprise that teenagers know where to find them. A child’s addiction may begin at home, with friends or even after an injury. No matter the road your child traveled, it is important for you to be involved in the process of helping your child after a drug charge.

The Center of Addiction conducted an interview with a research associate at the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse on how to handle a child who uses drugs. Even after the legal dust settles, the obstacles are not over. Often, children turn towards drugs for a number of different reasons. It may be sensation seeking, to push boundaries or to enhance friendships. To steer a child away from drugs, a parent may want to encourage other activities.

Open communication is one of the best tools that a parent can use. Do not enter into a conversation with judgment. Instead, ask your teen questions. Lectures do not work. It helps to understand what motivates your child to seek out controlled substances. Approaches based on punishment from the parent do not often have success. Parents should act as a resource and confidant, rather than the child’s probation officer. If your teenager believes he or she will suffer punishment if he or she opens up about thoughts of relapse or drug offenses, he or she will remain closed off.

This information is for educational purposes and is not intended to be legal advice.