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As you go about establishing or enhancing your Texas career, you need to know that receiving a DUI conviction could seriously hamper your efforts. For example, if you currently attend grad school for the purpose of working in a profession such as law, medicine, architecture, engineering, etc., the state board that grants you your necessary professional license may refuse to do so should it find a DUI or other criminal conviction on your record.

In addition, FindLaw explains that no matter your chosen job or profession, any prospective employer to whom you apply for a job may well decline to hire you should its background check of you turn up a DUI conviction.

Negative background check information

Unfortunately, a thorough background check can reveal the following negative information to all of your prospective employers:

  • The records from the court(s) that convicted you
  • The records from the jail(s) or prison(s) in which you served time as a result of your conviction
  • The driving records from the state(s) where you received traffic-related conviction(s)
  • The driving records from the state(s) that suspended or revoked your license to drive as a result of your conviction(s)

Not only can such negative information adversely impact you hiring possibilities, but you can also pretty well count on the fact that you will get no job(s) that require you to have a commercial driver’s license, Why? Because a DUI or other traffic-related conviction will make it impossible for you to obtain a CDL for years into the future.

Even if your desired job does not require that you have a CDL, many employers view a DUI or other criminal conviction as a big black character mark against you. While most prospective employers cannot discriminate against you outright on the basis of your conviction, they can, nevertheless, give the job you want to someone else with the same qualifications as you have, but whose criminal background check comes back free and clear of a conviction.

This is general educational information and not intended to provide legal advice.